
Bill Gross dice addio a Pimco, sale sul carro di Janus Capital

Questa notizia è stata scritta più di un anno fa old news

NEW YORK (WSI) – Bill Gross ha lasciato Pimco, il maxi fondo oggi di proprieta’ della tedesca Allianz ($1,97 trilioni di patrimonio) che lui stesso ha fondato, e passerà a Janus Capital, dove gestirà il fondo Janus Global Unconstrained Bond Fund e si occuperà delle strategie a questo collegate. Come si legge in una nota di Janus, Gross comincerà il 29 settembre, lunedì, e comincerà effettivamente a gestire il fondo a partire dal 6 ottobre.

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Immediato l’effetto sul mercato obbligazionario con i i titoli di stato americani che virano in negativo. La notizia dell’uscita solleva dubbi sul destino dei titoli di stato detenuti da Pimco Total Return. I rendimenti, che si muovono in senso opposto ai prezzi, sono in aumento. I decennali, benchmark del settore, salgono al 2,548%.

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Va notato che Gross lascia al picco della bolla bond e dopo riscatti di decine di miliardi su Pimco Total Return fund negli ultimi mesi. Non solo. La decisione arriva in un momento in cui la Securities and Exchange Commission, la Consob americana, ha avviato un’indagine per appurare se Pimco abbia artificialmente aumentato i ritorni di Pimco Total Return, fondo quotato gestito da Gross e destinato agli investitori più piccoli.

Gross lavorerà dal nuovo ufficio di Janus a Newport Beach, in California, e sarà responsabile “degli sforzi della società nell’ambito delle macro strategie globali nel campo del reddito fisso”. La sua azione sarà “separata e complementare rispetto alla piattaforma già esistente e di successo” di Janus. Sulla scia della notizia il titolo di Janus guadagna il 19% nel premercato a Wall Street.

“Non vedo l’ora di tornare ad occuparmi di investimenti e mercati a reddito fisso, date le molte complessità che accompagnano la gestione di un’organizzazione grande e complicata”, ha detto Gross, spiegando di avere scelto Janus “per il duraturo rapporto e rispetto per l’amministratore delegato Dick Weil e per il desiderio di tornare a occuparmi della gestione degli asset dei miei clienti”. Il coinvolgimento “rappresenta per Janus un’occasione unica di offrire strategie e prodotti altamente complementari con quelli già gestiti dalla nostra squadra”, ha detto il numero uno di Janus Richard Weil.


PIMCO Elects Daniel Ivascyn as Group Chief Investment Officer

Firm Names Andrew Balls, Mark Kiesel, Virginie Maisonneuve, Scott Mather and Mihir Worah Chief Investment Officers

· Mr. Kiesel, Mr. Mather and Mr. Worah named Portfolio Managers for Total Return Fund
· Saumil Parikh, Mr. Ivascyn, and Mohsen Fahmi named Portfolio Managers for Unconstrained Bond Fund
· Douglas Hodge and Jay Jacobs continue in their roles as Chief Executive Officer and President

September 26, 2014 (Newport Beach, CA): PIMCO, a leading global investment management firm, has elected Daniel Ivascyn to serve as Group Chief Investment Officer (“Group CIO”),succeeding William H. Gross who has left the firm. In addition, the firm appointed Andrew Balls, CIO Global; Mark Kiesel, CIO Global Credit; Virginie Maisonneuve, CIO Equities; Scott Mather, CIO U.S. Core Strategies; and Mihir Worah, CIO Real Return and Asset Allocation. Douglas Hodge, PIMCO’s Chief Executive Officer, and Lew “Jay” Jacobs, President, will continue to serve as the firm’s senior executive leadership team, spearheading PIMCO’s business strategy, client service and the firm’s operations.

The firm also appointed Mr. Mather, Mr. Kiesel and Mr. Worah as Portfolio Managers for the Total Return Fund. Saumil Parikh, Mohsen Fahmi, and Mr. Ivascyn will serve as Portfolio Managers for the Unconstrained Bond Fund. As Group CIO, Mr. Ivascyn will continue to oversee the firm’s alternatives strategies, structured credit, and income strategies. Chris Dialynas, Managing Director and Portfolio Manager, will return to the firm from sabbatical during the fourth quarter of 2014. These changes and appointments are effective immediately.

Said Mr. Hodge: “As part of our responsibilities to our clients, employees and parent, PIMCO has been developing a succession plan for some time to ensure that the firm is well prepared to manage a seamless leadership transition in its Portfolio Management team. We have passed the torch of leadership to a team of investors who are among the very best in the investment management industry. They are seasoned, highly skilled professionals who embody PIMCO’s values and have established track records of delivering value to clients.”
Mr. Hodge continued: “Today’s announcement marks the completion of our portfolio management succession process. These appointments are a continuation of the structure that PIMCO established earlier in 2014 and they reflect our long-held belief that the best approach for PIMCO’s clients and our firm is to evolve our investment leadership structure to a team of seasoned, highly skilled investors overseeing all areas of PIMCO’s investment activities.”

Said Mr. Ivascyn: “We have assembled a team of world-class investors over the course of many years, and established a time-tested top-down, bottom-up investment process that will guide our investment philosophy and continue to serve our clients well into the future. Our CIO’s and I are fully committed to consistently deliver to our clients the investment excellence that they have rightly come to expect of us.”